An Idea

Ideas are weird you know. They are like thoughts but only more driven. Something which push you. An idea sometimes is like a virus. Spreading through your brain, filling it and emptying it at the same time. Big ideas make you stop what you are doing everyday to just pursue them. Powerful ideas, change the world, destroy the world. Even powerful ones, destroy you. You know when an idea can destroy you? When it turns into a belief. A blind, non sensical fixation. That’s when the virus is in it’s full form.

You know why an idea is shown with a bulb lit up? It shows that your brain is activated. That dark part of the brain has been occupied with this idea. The problem is when an idea spreads, it doesn’t just spread with you. It reaches to everything you see, hear and touch. It changes the fundamental idea of you, until you become the idea.

So how does this idea begin with in the first place? Unless someone places it in your head like inception, driven or motivated from the things you experience. Ideas which come or are places in kids are the scariest ones.

  • To be continued.
Written on February 10, 2022