
Well, hello there! Welcome to my little corner in the internet. I am Karthik, currently living in San Diego. I am passionate about writing, stand-up comedy, working out, cooking and programming. I love using everyday objects for motivation to write and create something cool from them.

I am a Masters in Computer Science student at UC San Diego. I have been working as a part-time researcher for Bazhlab. I am working on apply sleep-like algorithms in Reinforcement Learning.

I will also be working as a Teaching Assistant for the class CSE 127 for Fall 2022.

Background :

I have 3 years of professional experience in Software engineering working with Big Data, Distributed Systems OAuth, and OIDC. I did my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Hyderabad. I also did Software Internships at Facebook and Amazon.

I enjoy working on Software Engineering and Big Data Technologies. My Resume link.

More Information

I also love playing dota2 (Drop me an email to add :P), badminton and being outdoors trying out new sports and coffee shops.

Contact me
