
Dreams as they say it live in our head. Things you want to do. Passions you wanna follow. The job you want. Not the job you have to do. Places you wanna be and people you wanna be with. They live in your head. You will ignore them for the things you should do and be a flag pushed by the wind. And what happens to the things which aren’t touched for a while? They rot. They rust. They corrode. This corruption eventually turns these dreams into nightmares. Demons. Phantoms. Which will haunt you, which will just stay in your head to never exist. Parasites sucking out the energy in all the beauty of things. They change you. Keep you in a comfortable loop. Food, work and sleep. Food, work and sleep. The only ray of hope and passion just dies. You will hate yourself more than any rival of yours can ever can. You disappoint yourself. Self confidence falls to the Mariana Trench. And then comes grayness. In all the 50 shades. Even a perfect cloudless weather will look black. Fear is it’s best friend. As this storm passes away and you have the time to look into these dreams, the fear would have taken over.

You like the loop more than the dreams. Because that’s the new norm and it made the current you. This see-saw of going to the things you should do and the battle in between fear and things you want to do. You get shackled. Sadly, there’s no right medicine for this. But there’s plenty of help. Family. Friends. And most of all, you. Everyone wants the same exact thing. Your happiness. Yet you build this virtual desire in your head to satisfy everyone. The fear. Kill that and your dreams are alive again. Like they say in Spiderman, it’s a leap of faith. No one really knows how to do things. There’s no rule book. There’s no guide. It’s normal for dreams to live in your head. That’s where they start. But remember to take them out. Like a golden retriever. And soon enough you will love them and they will make love yourself more than anything. So, take the dreams out of your head. Make them goals. Make them the real things they are. Soon enough, you will be back my boi.

Written on August 29, 2022